Contacting Ofcom

Make a complaint online

You can make a complaint online about phone or internet services, TV or radio programmes, interference to wireless devices, or something you've seen on a video-sharing platform.

Ofcom phone numbers

DepartmentPhone number
Advice and complaints0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040
Welsh language line – Advice and complaints0300 123 2023
Spectrum Licensing0300 123 1000 or 020 7981 3131
Programme Making and Special Events020 7981 3803
Switchboard0300 123 3000 or 020 7981 3000
Scotland Office0131 220 7300
Wales Office029 2046 7200
Northern Ireland Office028 9041 7500

For indicative charges for calling these numbers, see our call costs guide.

To contact us in British Sign Language, please use our video relay service.

Deaf or speech-impaired people can contact us via text relay. Find out how to download the text relay app for smartphones, tablets or computers.

To contact us on our Welsh language line, call 0300 123 2023.

To contact us on social media, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

We operate these numbers and channels Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Make a complaint via post

Although it is easier for us to receive your complaint online or by phone, you can complain to us in writing if you prefer. Please send it to:

PO Box 1285

For complaints in which you think you or your organisation were treated unfairly and/or your or their privacy was infringed in a programme, please send directly to Ofcom Fairness and Privacy complaints at our head office address below.

Head office

Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road

Switchboard: 0300 123 3000 or 020 7981 3000

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