Consultation: Hybrid sharing: enabling both licensed mobile and Wi-Fi users to access the upper 6 GHz band

  • Start: 06 June 2023
  • Status: Closed
  • End: 15 September 2023

Update published 13 October 2023

In July of this year, we published a consultation about enabling both mobile and Wi-Fi use in the upper 6 GHz band. In the document, we said we are exploring options that would enable this 'hybrid sharing'. To achieve this objective, we proposed to:

  • Identify appropriate hybrid sharing mechanisms to facilitate coexistence between licensed mobile, Wi-Fi and, where appropriate, existing users of the band;
  • Encourage the development of technology-based coexistence solutions such as managed databases and enhanced dynamic sensing;
  • Continue pressing for international harmonisation of hybrid sharing of the band to enable economies of scale for equipment.

We've received 41 responses to this consultation, which highlights the strong demand for using this spectrum. We are now publishing a summary (PDF, 239.3 KB) of these, intended to provide a high-level indication of the range of viewpoints we have received, but we do not include any analysis about the merit or substance. We suggest readers complement this document by reading the full non-confidential responses, available below.

The document also describes our planned next steps in relation to the exploratory work about hybrid mechanisms, including information about future events and workshops.

Main documents

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Responder name Type
Accompanying material (Simon Saunders) - Explanatory Guide to the DSA Functional Specification (PDF File, 555.8 KB) Organisation
Accompanying material (Simon Saunders) - Proposed principles for UK DSA (PDF File, 162.0 KB) Organisation
Amazon, HPE, Meta (Multi-company response) (PDF File, 339.9 KB) Organisation
Apple (PDF File, 226.4 KB) Organisation
Arqiva (PDF File, 358.0 KB) Organisation
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