Monitro effaith gweithgareddau'r BBC ar gystadleuaeth

Cyhoeddwyd: 8 Chwefror 2024
Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 16 Gorffennaf 2024

Mae’r Siarter a'r Cytundeb yn rhoi dyletswydd ar Ofcom i ystyried effeithiau gweithgareddau’r BBC ar gystadleuaeth deg ac effeithiol.

Fel sefydliad mawr sy’n cael arian cyhoeddus, yn anochel mae’r BBC yn effeithio ar gystadleuaeth yn y farchnad cyfryngau ehangach. Gall gael effaith gadarnhaol drwy gynyddu'r dewis neu hybu arloesed ar draws y sector, er enghraifft. Ond wrth gyflawni ei amcanion, gall y BBC hefyd niweidio gallu cwmnïau eraill i gystadlu’n effeithiol.

Swyddogaeth Ofcom yw asesu effaith gweithgareddau’r BBC ar gystadleuaeth. Rydym wedi datblygu rheolau sy’n berthnasol i wahanol elfennau o weithgarwch y BBC a allai arwain at bryderon yng nghyswllt cystadleuaeth, yn ogystal â chanllawiau i egluro pa adnoddau y byddwn yn eu defnyddio i ddiogelu cystadleuaeth deg ac effeithiol yn y meysydd y mae’r BBC yn gweithredu ynddynt.

Adolygiad o sut rydym ni'n rheoleiddio'r BBC

Wrth i ni ddod at ganol cyfnod Siarter presennol y BBC, rydym wedi bod yn adolygu perfformiad y BBC a'n gwaith yn ei reoleiddio yn y dyfodol.

Rydym hefyd wedi cyhoeddi canfyddiadau ein hadolygiad o'r rhyngweithio rhwng BBC Studios a Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus y BBC. Yn yr adolygiad hwn, gwnaethom geisio deall yn well sut mae'r BBC wedi dilyn y rheolau rydym wedi pennu i'w weithgareddau masnachol ac os ydy ein gwaith rheoleiddio yn parhau'n effeithiol.

Polisi ac Arweiniad

Review of how we regulate the BBC

As we approach the mid-point in the BBC’s current Charter period, we have been reviewing the BBC’s performance and our future regulation of it.

We have also published our review of the interaction between BBC Studios and the BBC Public Service. In this review we sought to better understand how the BBC has followed the rules we apply to its commercial activities, and whether our regulation remains effective.

In November 2022, we published a consultation on how Ofcom regulates the BBC’s impact on competition (PDF, 819.0 KB). The consultation set out proposals to change our guidance about how the impact on competition from proposed changes to the BBC’s public services is assessed, and to place a requirement on the BBC to publicise planned changes to its public services.

Following consultation, we decided to place a new requirement (PDF, 684.9 KB) on the BBC to publicise changes to its public services that are likely to be subject to a materiality assessment by the BBC, to encourage it to be more transparent with stakeholders about its plans and more consistent about how it makes them public. We have also made some small changes to the trading and separation requirements.

Policy and guidance

Here you'll find our rules relating to different areas of BBC activity that could lead to competition concerns, and guidance to explain the tools we use to protect fair and effective competition in the areas that the BBC operates.

A general overview of our approach to BBC competition regulation (PDF, 139.2 KB)

How we would enforce these competition requirements

Assessing the impact of the BBC's public service activities

When the BBC proposes a change to its public services activities, Ofcom will assess whether or not the public value of the change justifies any adverse effects on fair and effective competition.

Guidance: How we assess the impact of proposed changes to the BBC’s public service activities (PDF, 660.0 KB)

We can also assess whether an existing BBC public service activity is having a significant adverse impact on fair and effective competition. This includes an assessment of whether the public value of the service justifies any adverse impacts on fair and effective competition.

Guidance: How we assess the impact of the BBC's public service activities (PDF, 356.1 KB)

Commissioning for the BBC's public services

Over the course of the Charter period, the BBC must commission an increasing number of programmes; and the competitive process it follows must be fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent.

Ofcom's role is to enforce these requirements, monitor the BBC's compliance and -- if necessary -- impose additional requirements to protect fair and effective competition.

In February 2019, we decided that no additional regulation was needed in this area.

Distribution of the BBC's public services

We can consider specific competition concerns about the way the BBC distributes its public services. When assessing concerns, we will take into account the need for the BBC to fulfil its Mission and Public Purposes.

Distribution of BBC public services: Ofcom’s requirements and guidance (PDF, 159.7 KB)

Handling non-editorial complaints about the BBC

Under the BBC Agreeement, Ofcom has determined:

  • the form in and intervals at which the BBC must report to Ofcom in relation to relevant complaints received about non-editorial (competition and other regulatory) matters; and
  • the form in and intervals at which the BBC must publish information about the operation and effectiveness of its complaints-handling procedures for non-editorial (competition and other regulatory) complaints.

Determinations by Ofcom in relation to BBC non-editorial complaints handling (PDF, 700.7 KB)

Letter from Kevin Bakhurst, Content Media Policy Group Director, Ofcom, to Fraser Steel, Head of Editorial Complaints, BBC (PDF, 462.6 KB)


Rydym wedi adolygu’r asesiad perthnasedd a ddarparwyd i ni gan y BBC ar 13 Mai 2024 mewn perthynas â’i gynigion i lansio ffrydiau cerddoriaeth newydd ar BBC Sounds. 

Adolygiad o asesiad perthnasedd y BBC o’r ffrydiau newydd arfaethedig ar BBC Sounds

Review of the BBC's materiality assessment of proposed new streams on BBC Sounds

We reviewed the materiality assessment (MA) provided by the BBC on 2 February 2023 in relation to its proposed changes to BBC Sounds. We decided not to require the BBC to carry out a Public Interest Test (PIT) for these proposals.

Review of the BBC’s materiality assessment of proposed changes to BBC Sounds (PDF, 257.1 KB)

The BBC consulted and subsequently carried out a public interest test (PIT) on its plans to increase the amount of archive content on BBC iPlayer. The BBC Board found the proposed change to be not material.

As required by the BBC Charter and Agreement, Ofcom conducted an assessment of the proposed change to determine its materiality. Following consultation on our initial view that the change was not material, we published a statement concluding that the BBC could proceed with its proposal.

Statement: Review of proposed increased amount of archive content on BBC iPlayer (PDF, 370.3 KB)

Consultation: Review of proposed increased amount of archive content on BBC iPlayer (PDF, 365.6 KB)

We reviewed the materiality assessment provided by the BBC on 27 September 2022, in relation to its proposals for the provision of local online news in England. We decided not to require the BBC to carry out a public interest test for these proposals.

Review of the BBC’s materiality assessment of proposed changes to the provision of local online news in England (PDF, 181.2 KB)

Ofcom published a letter to the BBC concerning trials that were being carried out on BBC Sounds.

We agreed with the BBC’s determination that the trials taking place on BBC Sounds did not constitute a material change. We considered that the relatively small scale of the changes, and the fact that they were for a limited time period, meant they were unlikely to have an impact on competitors' incentives to invest and compete in the market. We did not, therefore, require the BBC to conduct a public interest test.

Letter in response to BBC's materiality assessment of BBC Sounds trials (PDF, 154.6 KB)

Ofcom has published a letter to the BBC and Radiocentre (PDF, 174.8 KB) concerning BBC Radio 1’s Relax stream.

When the BBC plans to make any changes to its public service activities, it is first required to consider whether this represents a ‘material’ change. The launch of a new public service, or where a change may have a significant adverse impact on fair and effective competition, is considered material.

In this case, we agree with the BBC’s determination that the proposed Radio 1 Relax stream does not constitute a material change. We consider that the impact on competitors’ services is likely to be low, particularly given that the uptake of the Radio 1 Relax stream has been modest and that we do not consider it is likely to grow substantially in the future. We will not, therefore, require the BBC to conduct a public interest test.

Mae Ofcom wedi cyhoeddi llythyr i'r BBC ynghylch ffrwd cerddoriaeth ddawns BBC Radio 1.

Pan mae'r BBC yn cynllunio gwneud unrhyw newidiadau i'w weithgareddau gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, mae angen iddo yn gyntaf i ystyried ydy hyn yn cynrychioli newid 'sylweddol'. Mae lawns gwasanaeth cyhoeddus newydd, neu lle mae'r newid yn gallu cael effaith ddifrifol ar gystadleuaeth deg ac effeithiol, yn cael ei ystyried yn sylweddol.

Yn yr achos hwn, rydyn ni'h cytuno gyda phenderfyniad Bwrdd y BBC nad yw'r ffrwd dawns Radio 1 yn golygu bod newid sylweddol. Bydd effaith y ffrwd ar wasanaethau cystadleuwyr yn debygol o fod yn isel, yn enwedig gan mai ar-lein yn unig y bydd ar gael, ac ni fydd yn cynnwys unrhyw gynnwys newydd neu unigryw. Ni fyddwn, felly, yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r BBC i gynnal prawf lles y cyhoedd a bydd modd iddo lansio'r gwasanaeth ar BBC Sounds yn gynnar ym mis Hydref.

Fodd bynnag, mae BBC Sounds yn rhan hanfodol o gynnig clywedol y BBC ac mae cynlluniau ar gyfer gwneud newidiadau pellach iddo wedi cael eu mynegi gan y BBC. Rydyn ni felly'n ystyried mai dyma'r amser cywir i ystyried ei le yn y farchnad.

Rydyn ni'n bwriadu, drwy broses cyhoeddus, i ofyn am dystiolaeth gan bartïon sydd â diddordeb neu sy'n debygol o gael eu heffeithio gan effaith gystadleuol BBC Sounds. Fel rhan o'r broses hon, byddwn ni hefyd yn ceisio deall strategaeth y BBC ar gyfer dyfodol Sounds. Rydyn ni'n disgwyl cwblhau'r gwaith hwn erbyn diwedd 2020.

Mae'r ddogfen isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Materiality assessment of BBC Radio 1’s Dance stream (PDF, 255.0 KB)

Competition assessments

Our role involves considering whether a change proposed by the BBC is material and, if so, determining whether it may proceed.

When making our decision, we might carry out a competition assessment (BCA). This requires us to conclude whether the public value of the proposed change justifies any adverse effect on fair and effective competition.

Below you'll find information about recent competition assessments.

The BBC has proposed to extend the number of originated Welsh-language hours offered by BBC Radio Cymru 2 so that it becomes a new UK Public Service. As required by the BBC Charter and Agreement, we carried out a shorter competition assessment of its proposal. This statement explains our final determination that the BBC may proceed with its proposal and our decision to place Operating Licence conditions on the service.

Cyhoeddodd y BBC gynnig i lansio BBC Three fel sianel deledu ym mis Ionawr 2022. Mae wedi ymgymryd â phrawf lles y cyhoedd, ac mae Bwrdd y BBC wedi dod i'r casgliad bod y cynnig yn pasio'r prawf lles y cyhoedd.

Ar 8 Gorffennaf 2021 bu i ni gyhoeddi 'gwahoddiad i roi sylwadau' fel dechrau i'n hasesiad o'r cynnig gan y BBC. Rydym yn awr wedi ysgrifennu at y BBC i amlinellu'r casgliad o'n hasesiad cychwynnol a'r camau nesaf y byddwn yn eu cymryd.

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

BBC iPlayer Competition Assessment: Consultation on Ofcom’s provisional determination (PDF, 1.5 MB)

BBC iPlayer Competition Assessment: Final determination (PDF, 813.3 KB)

Rydyn ni wedi penderfynu fod y BBC yn gallu bwrw ymlaen gyda'i newidiadau arfaethedig i BBC iPlayer yn unol â chanllawiau ac amodau penodol.

Adolygiad o Asesiad y BBC o sylwedd y Newid Arfaethedig i'r iPlayer (PDF, 297.8 KB)

Mae’r BBC wedi cynnig nifer o newidiadau i BBC iPlayer ac mae wedi darparu ei gynlluniau i Ofcom eu hystyried.

Er mwyn diogelu cystadleuaeth deg ac effeithiol yn y sector teledu neu’r cyfryngau, mae Ofcom yn archwilio a yw’r newidiadau y mae’r BBC yn bwriadu eu gwneud i’w wasanaethau teledu, radio ac ar-lein, sy’n cael eu hariannu gan ffi’r drwydded, yn ddigon sylweddol i graffu arnynt yn fanwl.

Mae Ofcom wedi penderfynu bod newidiadau arfaethedig y BBC i’r iPlayer yn sylweddol ac y dylai’r BBC gynnal ‘prawf lles y cyhoedd’ er mwyn asesu eu gwerth a’u heffaith bosib ar gystadleuwyr yn briodol.

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Ofcom review of proposed BBC Scotland television channel

Mae'r datganiad hwn yn cyflwyno ein penderfyniad terfynol i gymeradwyo lawns sianel deledu'r BBC ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd yn yr Alban.

Other competition-related work

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig

Consideration of a request from Wireless Group Media (GB) Limited for Ofcom to launch a BBC Competition Review
(PDF, 370.8 KB)

Ym mis Medi 2018, gofynnodd Wireless i Ofcom i gynnal Adolygiad Cystadleuaeth y BBC ynghylch sut mae BBC Radio yn cael hawliau chwaraeon. Gwnaethon ni adolygu cyflwyniad Wireless yn erbyn ein canllawiau cyhoeddiedig, sy'n egluro sail lansio adolygiad o'r fath. Gwnaethon ni benderfynu nad oedd hi'n addas agor adolygiad cystadleuaeth ar yr adeg yma. Byddwn yn parhau i gadw llygad ar y sector radio chwaraeon a chaffael hawliau chwaraeon gan 'BBC Radio and Wireless.'

Mae'r BBC wedi cyhoeddi ei fod yn bwriadu lansio estyniadau DAB+ newydd ar gyfer BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2 a BBC Radio 3, a fydd hefyd ar gael ar BBC Sounds. Cyhoeddodd hefyd ei gynlluniau i ymestyn oriau darlledu BBC Radio 5 Sports Extra. Mae'r ddogfen hon yn darparu gwybodaeth am y prosesau rheoleiddio ar gyfer y newidiadau hyn.

Darllen y diweddariad llawn (PDF, 94.5 KB)

Yn ôl i'r brig