Communications Consumer Panel (CCP)

The Communications Act 2003 requires Ofcom to set up and maintain effective arrangements for consultation with consumers. These arrangements include the establishment of the Communications Consumer Panel, an independent body with the function of advising both Ofcom and others.

Consisting of eight experts who work to protect and promote people’s interests in the communications sector, the Panel carries out research, provides advice and encourages Ofcom, Government, the EU, industry and others to look at issues through the eyes of consumers, citizens and small businesses. Four members of the Panel represent the interests of consumers in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales respectively.

The Panel pays particular attention to the needs of vulnerable people; older people; people with disabilities; and micro businesses. The full remit and duties of the Panel are on its website.

Cross-membership with Ofcom’s Advisory Committee on Older and Disabled People (ACOD) was established in 2012. Members, in their ACOD capacity, also provide advice to Ofcom on issues relating to older and disabled people which includes content on television, radio and other services regulated by Ofcom. Please see the CCP website for the full list of Panel and ACOD members.

Communications Consumer Panel (CCP): Terms of Reference (PDF, 119.4 KB)

Code of conduct for the Communications Consumer Panel and Advisory Committee for Older and Disabled People (PDF, 212.7 KB)