Cyfryngau'r Genedl 2021

Cyhoeddwyd: 5 Awst 2021

Dyma bedwerydd adroddiad blynyddol Cyfryngau'r Genedl gan Ofcom, cyhoeddiad cyfeiriadol i’r diwydiant, gwneuthurwyr polisi, academyddion a defnyddwyr.

Prif amcanion yr adroddiad yw adolygu tueddiadau allweddol yn sector y cyfryngau a nodi sut y caiff cynulleidfaoedd eu gwasanaethu yn y DU. Rydym yn mabwysiadu safbwynt traws-lwyfan, gan gynnwys darlledu teledu a radio, yn ogystal â darpariaeth ddigidol gan gynnwys fideo ar-lein a ffrydio sain.

Fel mewn blynyddoedd blaenorol, mae adroddiad rhyngweithiol yn cyd-fynd â'r adroddiad hwn sy'n cynnwys ystod eang o ddata. Rydym hefyd yn cyhoeddi adroddiadau ar wahân ar gyfer Cymru, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, sy'n ymdrin â themâu a materion penodol sy'n berthnasol i'r gwledydd hynny.

Cyfryngau'r Genedl: adroddiadau

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig

Media Nations 2021: UK (PDF, 3.1 MB)

Key points

  • The pandemic caused an acceleration in existing viewing trends as people spent more time watching on-demand services.
  • 2020 was a landmark year for SVoD, and an important time for BVoD services.
  • TV advertising revenue is set to rebound in 2021, but TV broadcasters are having to adapt to stay competitive.
  • Broadcasters and producers experienced significant difficulties in creating new original content because of Covid-19 restrictions.
  • The radio and audio sector continues to take advantage of DAB and online platforms to innovate.

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig

Media Nations 2021: Northern Ireland (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Key points

  • Paid-for satellite and cable television services from Sky or Virgin Media were present in four in ten homes in Northern Ireland (40%) as of Q3 2020.
  • More than half of households in Northern Ireland (57%) have at least one subscription video-on-demand (SVoD) service from companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Now TV.
  • Netflix is still the largest, with more than half (52%) of households having a subscription, followed by Amazon Prime Video (27%) and Disney+ (8%).
  • The BBC iPlayer is the most popular broadcast video-on-demand (BVoD) player in Northern Ireland; it was watched in six in ten Northern Ireland homes (61%) at the beginning of 2021. The ITV Hub (42%) was the next most popular BVoD player, followed by All4 (33%) and My5 (18%).
  • People in Northern Ireland spent an average of 4 hours 19 minutes per day watching something on the television screen in 2020, up by 36 minutes since 2019.
  • In 2020, broadcast TV viewing in Northern Ireland bucked the long-term trend of decline and increased for the first time in a decade. This can largely be attributed to the pandemic.
  • On average, people in Northern Ireland spent 3 hours 8 minutes every day watching broadcast television in 2020, 14 minutes more than in 2019.
  • In the week commencing 23 March 2020, when the UK Prime Minister announced the first lockdown, average daily viewing of broadcast television peaked at 3 hours 42 minutes in Northern Ireland.
  • Viewing declined as lockdown restrictions were eased, but began to increase again from August, climbing to a second peak in November and December, as restrictions were tightened and people in Northern Ireland spent most of the holiday period at home.
  • Older people in Northern Ireland continue to watch more broadcast TV than younger viewers. Those aged 55+ watched 5 hours 39 minutes on average a day in 2020, up by 15% compared to 2019, while those aged 16-24 watched just 48 minutes of broadcast TV a day, down 23% compared to 2019.
  • There was a 30% decrease in spending on first-run content for viewers in Northern Ireland in 2020, with spend on current affairs decreasing the most, at 43%. News accounts for the largest share of first-run spend (43%) in Northern Ireland.
  • BBC hours of first-run content in Northern Ireland dropped by 6% in 2020 to 568 hours. Overall, news content makes up the largest amount of the BBC’s output for Northern Ireland, comprising 51% of first-run hours.
  • Some 1.6% of qualifying network spend on the PSB channels was on Northern Ireland-based productions in 2020.
  • More than eight in ten adults (84%) in Northern Ireland listen to the radio every week.
  • More than half of all homes in Northern Ireland have a smart speaker (53%). The Amazon Echo is by far the most popular type (found in 67% of homes in Northern Ireland that have a smart speaker).
  • The most popular reasons given by users in Northern Ireland for using smart speakers were to listen to music via a streaming service like Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer (65%), a live radio station (64%) or to get weather information (37%).
  • It was a challenging year for the commercial radio sector, with revenues per head down 10% in 2020.

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Media Nations 2021: Scotland (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Key points

  • As of Q3 2020, paid-for satellite and cable television services from Sky and Virgin Media were present in just over four in ten homes in Scotland (43%).
  • Nearly two-thirds of households in Scotland (60%) have a subscription video-on-demand (SVoD) service from companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ or Now TV.
  • Netflix is still the largest, with more than half (55%) of households having a subscription, followed by Amazon Prime Video (33%) and Disney+ (13%).
  • The BBC iPlayer is the most popular broadcast video-on-demand (BVoD) player in Scotland, watched in about six in ten Scottish homes (61%). The STV Player (50%) was the next most popular BVoD player, followed by All4 (40%) and My5 (21%).
  • People in Scotland spent an average of 5 hours 9 minutes per day watching something on the television screen in 2020, up by 48 minutes since 2019.
  • In 2020, broadcast TV viewing in Scotland bucked the long-term trend of decline, increasing for the first time in a decade. This can largely be attributed to the pandemic.
  • On average, people in Scotland spent 3 hours 39 minutes per day watching broadcast TV on the TV set in 2020, the most of any nation in the UK.
  • In the week commencing 23 March, when the UK Prime Minister announced the first national lockdown and the First Minister held a subsequent press conference confirming restrictions in Scotland, average daily viewing of broadcast television peaked at 4 hours 26 minutes.
  • Viewing declined as lockdown restrictions eased but began to increase again from September, climbing to a second peak in November and December, as restrictions were tightened and people in Scotland spent most of the holiday period at home.
  • Older people in Scotland continue to watch more broadcast TV than younger viewers. Those aged 55+ watched 6 hours 8 minutes on average a day in 2020, up by 12% compared to 2019, while those aged 16-24 watched just 72 minutes of broadcast TV a day, down 8% compared to 2019.
  • There was a 25% decrease in spending on first-run content for viewers in Scotland in 2020, with spend on non-news/non-current affairs decreasing the most at 37%. Non-news/non-current affairs accounts for the largest share of first-run spend (51%) in Scotland.
  • BBC hours of first-run content in Scotland grew by 3% in 2020 to 2,071 hours. Overall, news content makes up the largest amount of the BBC’s output for Scotland, comprising 52% of first-run hours (including BBC ALBA).
  • Some 4.1% of qualifying network spend on the PSB channels was on Scotland-based productions in 2020.
  • About three-quarters of adults in Scotland tune into the radio every week.
  • Just over half of homes in Scotland have smart speakers (54%). The Amazon Echo is by far the most popular smart speaker (in 70% of smart speaker homes).
  • The most-cited use of smart speakers among users in Scotland was for listening to music via a streaming service such as Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer (67%) followed by live radio (56%).
  • It was a challenging year for the commercial radio sector, with revenues per head down 20% in 2020.

Cyfryngau'r Genedl 2021: Cymru

Prif bwyntiau

    • Roedd gan bron i hanner y cartrefi yng Nghymru (46%) wasanaethau teledu cebl neu loeren y mae'n rhaid talu amdanynt gan Sky a Virgin Media yn Ch3 2020.
    • Mae gan dros hanner y cartrefi yng Nghymru (59%) wasanaeth tanysgrifio fideo ar-alw (SVoD) gan gwmnïau fel Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ a Now TV.
    • Netflix yw’r mwyaf o hyd, gyda dros hanner (53%) y cartrefi yn tanysgrifio, wedi’i ddilyn gan Amazon Prime Video (33%) a Disney+ (15%).
    • BBC iPlayer yw’r chwaraewr gwasanaeth fideo ar-alw darlledwyr (BVoD) mwyaf poblogaidd yng Nghymru; roedd yn cael ei wylio ym mron i ddwy ran o dair o gartrefi (64%) yn nechrau 2021. ITV Hub (54%) oedd y chwaraewr gwasanaeth fideo ar-alw darlledwr mwyaf poblogaidd nesaf, ac wedyn All4 (44%) a My5 (30%).
    • Treuliodd pobl Cymru 5 awr 6 munud y dydd ar gyfartaledd yn gwylio rhywbeth ar sgrin deledu yn 2020, a oedd 40 munud yn fwy nag yn 2019.
    • Yn 2020, fe aeth gwylio teledu wedi’i ddarlledu yng Nghymru  yn groes i’r duedd hirdymor o ddirywiad a chynyddodd am y tro cyntaf ers 2012.
    • Ar gyfartaledd, gwyliodd pobl Cymru 3 awr a 29 munud o deledu wedi’i ddarlledu ar set deledu bob dydd yn 2020, yr ail uchaf o blith yr holl wledydd (y tu ôl i’r Alban) a chynnydd o 8 munud ers 2019.
    • Yn yr wythnos yn dechrau 23 Mawrth, pan wnaeth Prif Weinidog y DU gyhoeddi'r cyfnod clo cyntaf, fe wnaeth lefelau gwylio teledu wedi'i ddarlledu ar gyfartaledd bob dydd gyrraedd lefel uchaf o 3 awr 58 munud yng Nghymru.
    • Fe wnaeth y lefelau gwylio ostwng wrth i’r cyfyngiadau symud lacio, ond wrth i gyfyngiadau symud cenedlaethol ddod i rym eto o fis Hydref ymlaen, fe wnaeth y nifer a oedd yn gwylio godi i ail uchafbwynt ym mis Rhagfyr, wrth i bobl Cymru dreulio’r rhan fwyaf o’r gwyliau gartref
    • Mae pobl hŷn yng Nghymru yn dal i wylio mwy o deledu wedi’i ddarlledu na gwylwyr iau. Roedd y rheini sy’n 55 oed a hŷn yn gwylio 5 awr 59 munud y dydd ar gyfartaledd yn 2020, i fyny 7% o’i gymharu â 2019, tra doedd y rheini sydd rhwng 16 a 24 oed ddim ond yn gwylio 64 munud o deledu wedi’i ddarlledu bob dydd, 3% yn fwy na 2019.
    • Roedd gostyngiad 22% yn y gwariant ar gynnwys sy’n cael ei ddangos am y tro cyntaf i wylwyr yng Nghymru yn 2020, gyda’r gwariant ar raglenni nad ydynt yn newyddion/materion cyfoes yn gostwng y mwyaf sef 30%. Mae rhaglenni nad ydynt yn newyddion/materion cyfoes yn cyfrif am y gyfran fwyaf o wariant sy’n cael ei ddangos am y tro cyntaf (50%) yng Nghymru.
    • Roedd oriau’r BBC o gynnwys sy’n cael ei ddangos am y tro cyntaf yng Nghymru wedi gostwng 2% yn 2020 i 616 awr. Yn gyffredinol, cynnwys newyddion yw’r rhan fwyaf o allbwn y BBC i Gymru, sef 61% o’r oriau sy’n cael eu dangos am y tro cyntaf.
    • 7.5% o’r gwariant rhwydwaith cymwys ar sianeli darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus a gafodd ei wario ar gynyrchiadau yng Nghymru yn 2020.
    • Mae wyth oedolyn o bob deg yng Nghymru yn gwrando ar y radio bob wythnos.
    • Mae gan bron i chwech o bob deg o’r cartrefi yng Nghymru seinyddion clyfar (57%). Yr Amazon Echo yw’r math mwyaf poblogaidd o bell ffordd (a welir mewn 72% o gartrefi Cymru sydd â seinydd clyfar).
    • Y ceisiadau mwyaf poblogaidd ymysg defnyddwyr oedd chwarae cerddoriaeth drwy wasanaeth ffrydio, fel ar Spotify (70%), neu wrando ar orsaf radio fyw ( 61%).
    • Roedd yn flwyddyn heriol i’r sector radio masnachol. Gostyngodd refeniw radio y pen yng Nghymru 29% yn 2020 i £3.92, yr isaf yng ngwledydd y DU.

Adroddiad rhyngweithiol

Mae'r adroddiad data yma, sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig, yn darparu mynediad rhyngweithiol i amrywiaeth eang o ddata.

Media Nations: Interactive report 2021

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Annex 1: Methodologies (PDF, 265.6 KB)

Yn ôl i'r brig