General Notice of decision to vary amateur radio licences
On 11 December 2023 we published our statement (PDF, 1.3 MB) setting out our decision to update the amateur radio licensing framework to ensure the policies and licences meet the needs of today and tomorrow’s radio amateurs, while streamlining the licensing process.
Alongside the statement we published our General Notice of proposal to vary amateur radio licences (PDF, 623.0 KB), giving notice of our proposal to vary all amateur radio licences, in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7 of Schedule 1 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 and the terms and conditions of the licence.
Today we have published our General Notice of decision to vary amateur radio licences (PDF, 599.5 KB). This General Notice explains the reasons for our decisions and confirms that, with some amendments in light of stakeholder responses to the consultation, we will vary all amateur radio licences to implement our plans to update the amateur radio licence framework.
All amateur radio licences are effectively varied as of today’s date and any use of amateur radio equipment must be in accordance with the new terms and conditions for the class of amateur licence held. We will shortly commence contacting licensees to provide them with their new licence documents.
Alongside our General Notice of decision we have also published an updated version of the Amateur Radio Licence Document, an updated version of the Amateur Radio Wireless Telegraphy Licence Conditions Booklet, an updated version of the Notice of Coordination and an updated version of the amateur radio guidance document.