BBC Audiences Review

Published: 30 November 2023

Whether on TV, radio or smart devices, audiences are faced with an overwhelming array of choices, with many gravitating towards streaming services and social media as their preferred content platforms. This shift presents a significant challenge for traditional broadcasters as they try to appeal to the widest audiences across all their services.

This is a particular challenge for the BBC given its remit to deliver for all audiences, and its unique funding model. We recognise that the BBC faces financial pressures, however it must continue to find innovative ways of bringing content to audiences across all its platforms.

Since taking on regulation of the BBC, our research has consistently shown that satisfaction levels are lower amongst audiences in what are traditionally called socio-economic groups D and E. People from D and E groups are often referred to as being from a ‘lower’ socio-economic group, having ‘lower’ socio-economic status or being from working-class backgrounds. They are more likely to be older, unemployed, have a disability or be retired with only a state pension. These groups make up almost a quarter of the UK population.

We have undertaken an in-depth review, to understand what underlying factors may be driving these lower satisfaction levels. As part of this, we have conducted new research with D and E audiences, including in-depth interviews and focus groups across the UK, and carried out further analysis on the extensive information and data we currently collect in relation to the BBC.

We have actively engaged with industry and academic stakeholders, have met with the BBC’s strategy, policy, research and commissioning teams and organisations representing these audience groups.

You can read our full report and research document below.

BBC Audiences Review (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Adolygiad Cynulleidfaoedd y BBC (PDF, 1.4 MB)

2CV: Exploring D and E socio-economic groups’ relationship with the BBC (PDF, 2.0 MB)

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