Guidance: Video-sharing platforms – who needs to notify to Ofcom?

Published: 11 January 2024

Video-sharing platform (VSP) providers in UK jurisdiction are legally obliged to submit a formal notification of their service to Ofcom.

VSPs are a type of online video service which allow users to upload and share videos with the public. On 1 November 2020, the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Regulations came into force, establishing new rules for UK-established VSPs.

There are specific legal criteria to determine if a service meets the definition of a VSP, and if it falls within UK jurisdiction. If you provide a VSP, you are responsible for assessing whether or not you meet those criteria.

You should:

  1. read our PDF guidance first;
  2. decide whether or not your service is in scope and needs to be notified; and
  3. if you think it should, notify your service to us. If you don't currently, but plan to provide a VSP then you need to notify us at least 10 working days before it launches.

If it appears to Ofcom that your service meets the statutory criteria but you haven't notified to us, we can request information in order to make an assessment, and take enforcement action if a provider has failed to notify. This action might be a financial sanction and/or us directing you to notify.

Guidance: Video-sharing platforms – who needs to notify to Ofcom? (PDF, 512.2 KB)

Arweiniad: Llwyfannau rhannu fideos – pwy sydd angen hysbysu Ofcom? (PDF, 150.0 KB)

Update 11 January 2024 – changes to notification rules

The Online Safety Act ('OS Act') received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023. All VSPs are now subject to the new communications offences, Ofcom's new information and enforcement powers, and fee notification requirements. They will also become subject to the requirement to complete children's access and risk assessments, once the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology sets out a commencement date in legislation.

On 10 January 2024, all pre-existing, UK-established VSPs entered a transition period. During this period, they are regulated under both the VSP regime and the OS Act – but won't have to meet most OS Act duties until the end of the transition period. More information about the transition period is available in our guide to the repeal of the VSP regime.

If you started providing your online video service before 10 January 2024, then you should still:

  1. read our guidance;
  2. decide whether or not your service is in scope and needs to be notified; and
  3. if you think it should, notify your service to us.

If you started providing your service on or after 10 January 2024, then it is only regulated under the OS Act (which applies in full). The VSP rules and transition period don't apply, and you don't need to notify your service to Ofcom.

If you have questions about Ofcom’s regulation of VSPs, email

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