Links to statements on changes to General Conditions of Entitlement.
View information on the current general conditions.
View an archive of the previous general conditions and related guidance.
Documents relating to the changes to the general conditions are accessible from the review of the general conditions.
3 April 2023: Changes to General Conditions to implement Statement: Quick, Easy and Reliable Switching
On 3 February 2022, we published a Statement (PDF, 660.8 KB) on changes to the General Conditions to implement our decision to require relevant communications providers to develop and operate a new One Touch Switch process for residential customers switching landline and broadband services. These changes to the General Conditions (PDF, 1.1 MB) come into force on 3 April 2023.
15 December 2022: Statement on General Conditions of Entitlement: Minor Modification to Condition A1.2
On 15 December 2022, we published a short statement (PDF, 290.7 KB) in which we set out our decision to remove the words ‘in any part of the United Kingdom or European Union’ from the condition. This referencing relates to the location of a provider of a public electronic communications network seeking to negotiate interconnection with another such provider.
17 December 2020: Statement on implementing the new European Electronic Communications Code: Changes to the General Conditions, Metering and Billing Direction and the National Telephone Numbering Plan
On 17 December 2020, we published a further statement (PDF, 412.1 KB) on changes to the general conditions and related definitions to implement the end user rights provisions of the European Electronic Communications Code (EEEC) (as explained in our statement of 27 October 2020), and setting out our decision to make minor further changes to the general conditions and related definitions for clarity and consistency. We also published our final notification (PDF, 1.2 MB) introducing these changes which will take effect in December 2021, June 2022 and December 2022. The updated consolidated versions of the general conditions reflecting these changes will be published on our website when each set of revisions comes into effect.
In addition, this statement set out our decision to amend general conditions A1 and B4 to ensure the scope of these conditions remains the same following the end of the transition period. These changes took effect at 11pm on 31 December 2020 (known as ‘IP completion day’), and we published an updated consolidated version of the general conditions on 4 January 2021.
27 October 2020: Statement on implementing the European Electronic Communications Code
On 27 October 2020, we published a statement on implementing the new European Electronic Communications Code (EEEC).
This statement set out our decision to change a number of the general conditions and related definitions to implement the end user rights provisions of the EECC. We intend to publish a final notification of these changes before 21 December 2020, with the changes then taking effect in December 2021, June 2022 and December 2022.
In addition, this statement also set out our decision to change general condition C1 in relation to annual best tariff information requirements. This change took effect immediately and we therefore also published an updated consolidated version of the general conditions (PDF, 1.3 MB).
15 May 2019: Statement on end-of-contract notifications and annual best tariff information
On 15 May 2019, Ofcom published a statement on end-of-contract notifications and annual best tariff information. This statement set out our decision to amend general conditions C1 and C5, and to issue guidance on our amendments to general condition C1.
These changes took effect on 15 February 2020, and we published an updated consolidated version of the general conditions on 17 February 2020.
30 July 2018: Changes to GC C6, other minor drafting changes and changes to the guidance on the CLI facilities
On 30 July 2018, we published a statement about further changes that we are making to the revised general conditions.
These changes include drafting changes to a number of the revised general conditions, and changes to General Condition C6, in order to ensure calls to the emergency services are always connected.
These changes took effect on 1 October 2018, the same day the revised general conditions came into force.
We also published an unofficial consolidated version of the revised general conditions (PDF, 1.3 MB), which took effect on 1 October 2018, which incorporates all the changes made to the revised general conditions since they were first set in September 2017.
On 30 July 2018, we also published unofficial consolidated versions of the following Ofcom documents:
26 March 2018: Statement on revising the emergency planning direction, number withdrawal and guidance on contract termination
On 26 March 2018, we published a statement about further changes that we are making to the general conditions.
We decided to make these further changes to:
- update a direction which specifies which public bodies may request industry to make arrangements for the restoration of communications services in the event of disasters;
- extend our power to withdraw telephone numbers where they are used inconsistently with the National Telephone Numbering Plan or otherwise misused; and
- provide guidance about the procedures for terminating contracts.
These changes took effect on 1 October 2018, the same day the revised general conditions came into force.
19 December 2017: Statement on mobile switching
On 19 December 2017, Ofcom published a statement setting out our decision to reform the process for switching mobile provider, remove requirements on consumers to pay for their old service during a notice period once they have switched provider, and ensure consumers are better informed about switching. This statement set out our decision to amend general conditions B3 and C7. However, these changes will not take effect until 1 July 2019.
10 November 2017: Statement on Automatic Compensation
On 10 November 2017, Ofcom published a statement setting out our conclusion that there is a need for an automatic compensation scheme to protect residential consumers who suffer from certain service quality failures with their landline and/or broadband services. This statement included revisions to general condition C2.
19 September 2017: Review of the general conditions
On 19 September 2017, Ofcom published a statement about changes that we have decided to make to the General Conditions of Entitlement, in order to ensure the general conditions are up to date and reflect Ofcom’s current priorities. The revised general conditions came into force on 1 October 2018, and the current conditions were revoked on the same date.
September 2017 statement and consultation (PDF, 2.8 MB)
September 2017 statement and consultation annex 14: Revised general conditions (PDF, 1.5 MB)
September 2017 statement and consultation annex 16: Revised marked-up conditions (PDF, 1.5 MB)
September 2017 statement and consultation annex 17: Transposition table (PDF, 608.7 KB)