Communications providers offering services to people, small businesses (up to 10 employees) and not-for-profit organisations (where up to 10 individuals work, not including volunteers) must be members of an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme.
Ofcom currently approves two ADR schemes: the Communication & Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) and Communications Ombudsman. (Ombudsman Services changed its name to Communications Ombudsman in July 2023. If you have already raised a complaint with Ombudsman Services, you do not need to submit it again.)
ADR schemes are independent bodies that carry out an impartial assessment on complaints between a customer and a provider, and reach a decision based on the information submitted by both parties. ADR schemes are free to use.
You can take your complaint to an ADR scheme if:
- you have already raised it with your communications provider and it is still unresolved; and
- it has been at least eight weeks since you made the initial complaint to your provider or you’ve been unable to reach an agreement with them and you have received a deadlock letter.
Which scheme does my provider belong to?
Use our ADR checker to see which provider belongs to which ADR scheme. It's a long list, so the easiest way to find your provider is to use the A-Z buttons below. You can also press the Ctrl and F keys at the same time and then type your provider's name into the search box.
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Company name | ADR scheme |
100 Percent IT Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
11g internet, 11g | Communications Ombudsman |
1823 Group Ltd | CISAS |
1AffordableCall | Communications Ombudsman |
1RedCube | Communications Ombudsman |
1st Communications Installation & Maintenance Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
2 Circles Communications | Communications Ombudsman | | Communications Ombudsman |
24 Seven | Communications Ombudsman |
2CL Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
360coms | Communications Ombudsman |
3C | Communications Ombudsman |
3X Cloud Ltd (WigWag) | Communications Ombudsman |
4Com | Communications Ombudsman |
4tech | CISAS |
4tel | Communications Ombudsman |
4th Utility Holdings Limited | CISAS |
4Ward Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
4way Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
5G Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
5Tel | Communications Ombudsman |
6G | Communications Ombudsman |
848 IT Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
8x8 Solutionsf | Communications Ombudsman |
8x8 UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
A Softlink Computer Systems Ltd | CISAS |
Aastha | Communications Ombudsman |
Abbey Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Abzorb | Communications Ombudsman |
Academia Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Accelerator Limited | CISAS |
ACN | Communications Ombudsman |
Acorn Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Acorn Networks Services, Broadgate Voice, Vision Voice and Data | CISAS |
Acuiti Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Acuity Unified Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Adam Phones | Communications Ombudsman |
Adaptivecomms | Communications Ombudsman |
Advanced Fibre, AirNexus | Communications Ombudsman |
Advania | CISAS |
Advantage Technologies Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Advantage Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Advantek Limited T/as Eyecom-Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Advantex Network Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Aerial Direct | Communications Ombudsman |
Affinity Systems Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Aflex | Communications Ombudsman |
Ai Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
AIIR NETWORKS | Communications Ombudsman |
Air IT | Communications Ombudsman |
Airlinq | CISAS |
Air Telecom UK Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Airband Community Internet | Communications Ombudsman |
AirFast | CISAS |
Airtime Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
AIT Partnership Group Limited / LAN3 Limited / Allfour Technologies Ltd | CISAS |
AJ Technology Ltd T/A Kloud 9 | Communications Ombudsman |
AJRB Services Limited, Zarro Broadband, Zarro Communications, Zarro | CISAS |
Alfatronix Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Alfred Ashley Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Aloha, Aloha Telecommunications, Aloha Numbers, VoIP Yonder | CISAS |
Alliance Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Alnwick Computerware LTD | Communications Ombudsman |
Alpha Telecommunication & Services Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Alternative Comms Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Alncom | CISAS |
Amatis Networks | CISAS |
AMCS LLC | Communications Ombudsman |
Amica | Communications Ombudsman |
Amvia | CISAS |
Andrews & Arnold Ltd | CISAS |
Antheus Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Anywhere Sim | Communications Ombudsman |
APC Communications Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Apptel Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
aql | Communications Ombudsman |
Aquiss | Communications Ombudsman |
Arcom IT Ltd | CISAS |
Ark WISP | Communications Ombudsman |
Armstrong Bell Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Arrow | Communications Ombudsman |
ASDA mobile | CISAS |
Ashbury SatCom | Communications Ombudsman |
Ashgoal Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
ASK4 | Communications Ombudsman |
Aspen Solutions Ltd | CISAS |
Aspire Net Solutions Ltd T/as Happy Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Aspire Technology Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Assign IT Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Assuract Ltd T/A PiPcall | Communications Ombudsman |
Assure Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Assured Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Assured Digital Technologies | Communications Ombudsman |
Assured Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
AST Connections Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Astaris | CISAS |
Atlantic | Communications Ombudsman |
Atlas Communications (NI) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Atom IP Ltd | CISAS |
Audiolink Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Auracall Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Avian Mobile Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Avita Tech Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
AY Security Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
B4B Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
B4RN Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
B4SH | Communications Ombudsman |
Back of Beyond Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Backbone Connect | Communications Ombudsman |
Badenoch Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Baltic Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Bamboo Distribution Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Bamboo Technology Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Barclay Digital services, Barclay Commuications | CISAS |
Barker Telecommunications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
BarTel | Communications Ombudsman |
Base Wholesale NW Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
BDM Voice | Communications Ombudsman |
Be Fibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Beacon Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Beaming Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Beanstalk Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Beebu Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Beeline Broadband Ltd | CISAS |
Bentley Walker Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Bespoke Computing Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Bespoke Telephony Solutions, Dunston Business Village | CISAS |
Best 4 Business Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Better Comms (VOIP) Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
BIC Telecoms | CISAS |
Bink Broadband Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Birchills Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Birmingham Fibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Birmingham Telecommunications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Bizpax | Communications Ombudsman |
Black Sheep Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Blaucomm Ltd | CISAS |
Bleckfield Ltd | CISAS |
BleMobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Bletchley Networks Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Blizzard Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Blue Saffron Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Bluebox Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Bluecube Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Bluesky Unified Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Blu-Sky-Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Bogons | Communications Ombudsman |
Boingo Wireless | Communications Ombudsman |
Bongo IT | CISAS |
bOnline | Communications Ombudsman |
Borders Online Limited | CISAS |
Boundless Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Bradford Broadband Systems Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Breathe | Communications Ombudsman |
Breathe Internet Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Brentwood Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Briant Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Bridge Fibre Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Bright Orange Outsourcing | Communications Ombudsman |
Brighter Bills | CISAS |
Brightridge Technology Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Brillband Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Brindley Data Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
briskona ltd | CISAS |
Britannic Technologies Ltd | CISAS |
Broadband for Rural Kent Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
BROADBAND GO | Communications Ombudsman |
Broadband NI | CISAS |
Broadband Shack | Communications Ombudsman |
Broadband Wherever Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Broadgate Voice and Data Ltd | CISAS |
Brontel Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
BRSK Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
BSAS Telecoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
BT | Communications Ombudsman |
BT Enterprise | Communications Ombudsman |
BTT | Communications Ombudsman |
Bullitt Connect | Communications Ombudsman |
Burstfire Networks Ltd | CISAS |
Bush Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Business Telco | Communications Ombudsman |
BusinessMovers. Tech Limited | CISAS |
Buzz Networks Limited | CISAS |
Bytefetch Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
C A Consulting | Communications Ombudsman |
Calcom Holdings Ltd, t/as G6 | Communications Ombudsman |
Caligo | Communications Ombudsman |
Call Navigator IP | Communications Ombudsman |
Call08 | Communications Ombudsman |
CallAngels | Communications Ombudsman |
Callout Computers UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
CallReady | Communications Ombudsman |
Call Report | CISAS |
Cambrian Communications Cyf | Communications Ombudsman |
Camping Connect | CISAS |
CAN networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Cartel Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
CAT Sat Wales | CISAS |
CATalyst Systems North Wales Ltd | CISAS |
Catalyst2 | Communications Ombudsman |
Causeway Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Cedar Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Cellcast UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Cellhire PLC | Communications Ombudsman |
Centonex Domains | Communications Ombudsman |
Central Technology | Communications Ombudsman |
Cerberus Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Certum Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Challenger Mobile Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Chalvington Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Channel Comms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Channel IP | Communications Ombudsman |
Channel Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Charterhouse Voice & Data | Communications Ombudsman |
Chatter Telecoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Chatterbox Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Chase Communications | CISAS |
Chess Telecom | CISAS |
Chiltern Telecom Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
China Mobile International | Communications Ombudsman |
Choice Telecoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Chrome Telecom | Communications Ombudsman | Ltd | CISAS |
Ciptex Ltd | Communications Ombudsman | | Communications Ombudsman |
Cirrus Blue Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Citrus Telecommunications Ltd | CISAS |
City Numbers Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Citytalk Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
claranet limited | CISAS |
Clarion Communication Management Ltd | CISAS, Communications Ombudsman |
Claritel Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Claro Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Clarus Site Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Class Networks | CISAS |
Cleanline Installations Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Clear Business | Communications Ombudsman |
Clear Picture Services Limited | CISAS |
Clear Telecom and Data Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Clearstream Technology Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Cleartech Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Clifton Computer Care Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Clocom UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Cloud & Fibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Cloud 4 Sure | Communications Ombudsman |
Cloud 9 Mobile Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Cloud Geeks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Cloud Phone Company Ltd | CISAS |
Cloud Wireless | Communications Ombudsman |
Cloudcall | Communications Ombudsman |
CloudConnX Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
CloudScape Connect Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Clyde Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
CMC | Communications Ombudsman |
CML Microcircuits (UK) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Coast Technology | Communications Ombudsman |
Cobham AvComm | Communications Ombudsman |
Co-Channel Electronics Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Code Technology Limited | CISAS |
Cogent Communications UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Colt | Communications Ombudsman |
Colt Technology Services | Communications Ombudsman |
Columbus Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Combitel Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Commpliment Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
comms 365 | Communications Ombudsman |
Comms FM Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Comms Unite | CISAS |
Comms.UK | Communications Ombudsman |
Commsbill | Communications Ombudsman |
Commsplus Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Commsready | Communications Ombudsman |
Commswise | Communications Ombudsman |
Commsworld | Communications Ombudsman |
Comm-Tech Voice & Data Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Communicate Business Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Communicate Technology Plc | Communications Ombudsman |
Communication-STEM Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Community Fibre Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Community Information Technolog | CISAS |
Commworx Ltd | CISAS |
Compucare Computer Servicing (Pulse8broadband) | Communications Ombudsman |
Computer Solutions Cymru Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Computer Systems UK Ltd | CISAS |
Comtec Enterprises Ltd | CISAS |
COM-TEL Telecom Ltd | CISAS |
Comvista Networks Limited | CISAS |
Concorde Technology Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Connaught Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Connect Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Connectaphone Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Connecting Britian Ltd | CISAS |
Connecting Managed Services (UK) Limited | CISAS |
Connectus Business Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
ConnetU | Communications Ombudsman |
Connexin Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Connexions (Group) Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Connexis | Communications Ombudsman |
Connexus Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Consega Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Consider IT | Communications Ombudsman |
Consulting Networks (CONNET) | Communications Ombudsman |
Contedia Limited | CISAS |
Content Guru Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Converged Communications Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Convergence (Group Networks) Limited | CISAS |
Converj Ltd | CISAS |
Conxdigital Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
CORE ISP Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Core Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Cornwall Phone | Communications Ombudsman |
Corporate ICT | CISAS |
Corona Corporate Solutions | CISAS |
County Broadband Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Cranberry Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Creative Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Creative Work Studios Limited | CISAS |
Creditcall Telecom Services Ltd | CISAS |
Crius Technologies Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Crockham Hill CIC | CISAS |
Croft Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Cromarty Firth Wireless Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Crystal Clear Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Crystaline Solutions Limited | CISAS |
CS Technical Services (Scotland) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
CSD Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Csquared | Communications Ombudsman |
CTExcel | Communications Ombudsman |
CTExcelbiz | Communications Ombudsman |
CTR Services UK | CISAS |
CTR Communications Limited | CISAS |
CTS Group Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
CUNIQ | Communications Ombudsman |
Curatrix Managed Security, Curatrix Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
CURVE 1 LIMITED | Communications Ombudsman |
Curve IT Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Customer Care Company Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
CWCS Managed Hosting | Communications Ombudsman |
Cygnal Installations | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Daisy | Communications Ombudsman |
Daly Systems Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Danish Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Dark Group Ltd | CISAS |
Data Consulting Services Ltd | CISAS |
DataKom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman | Limited | CISAS |
Datasharp UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Datatel Networks Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Day 1 Connectivity Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
DB Comms, DB Energy | Communications Ombudsman |
dbfb Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Deep Blue Networks Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Defaultroute Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Deskphone | Communications Ombudsman |
Destination Digital Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
DF Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Dial 9 | Communications Ombudsman |
Dial123 Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Diamond Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Digi Toolbox Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Digital Communications | CISAS |
Digiquip Group Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Digisolutions Ltd | CISAS |
Digital Craftsmen Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited | CISAS |
Digital Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Direct Save Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Direct Telecommunications (London) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Direct Telecommunications Systems Limited | CISAS |
Direct Voice and Data | Communications Ombudsman |
Direct VoIP | Communications Ombudsman |
Doetaylor | Communications Ombudsman |
Dolphin Com Ltd T/a Callready | Communications Ombudsman |
DPS Technology | CISAS, Communications Ombudsman |
Dragon WiFi Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Drimnin Community Broadband C.I.C | Communications Ombudsman |
DTS.Solutions (U.K) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
DTX Network Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Dualtone Communications Ltd | CISAS |
Dunedin IT | CISAS |
DuoCall | Communications Ombudsman |
DWD Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
DX Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
G Network | Communications Ombudsman |
G5 Technologies Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Galaxy Numbers Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Galloway Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Gamma Business Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Gateway of Technology | Communications Ombudsman |
GCI Network Solutions | CISAS |
Genuine IT Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Genuine Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Getservers Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Giant | Communications Ombudsman |
giffgaff | Communications Ombudsman |
Gigaair | Communications Ombudsman |
Gigabair Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Gigabit Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Gigability Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Gigaclear plc (also covered Rutland Telecom) | Communications Ombudsman |
Gigapeak | Communications Ombudsman |
Glamorgan Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Glass NS Limted | Communications Ombudsman |
Glemnet Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Glide Business Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Glide Student and Residential Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Globe Touch AB | CISAS |
Glow Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Gold Connections Ltd | CISAS |
Gold Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Goldfield Computing Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Gower Coast IT Solutions Ltd | CISAS |
GP Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
GPS Telecom Ltd | CISAS |
Gradwell Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Grapevine Connect Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Grayshott Gigabit (part of Ocean Investments Ltd) | Communications Ombudsman |
Green Co, Green Connect, ServerHouse, GC@ | CISAS |
Green Colo Ltd | CISAS |
Green ISP | CISAS |
GT Business Solutions Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Halstone Mobile & Technology | Communications Ombudsman |
Halstone Technology Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Hancox IT Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Happy Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
HBT Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Health in Touch Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
HebNet CIC | Communications Ombudsman |
Hello Telecom (UK) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Helpdesk Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Helpline Limited | CISAS |
HES Services NW Ltd | CISAS |
HeyBroadband Limited | CISAS |
High Performance Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Highland Community Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Highland Network Ltd, t/as HIGHnet | Communications Ombudsman |
Highland Wireless & IT Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
HII Communications Ltd | CISAS |
HJS Technology Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Hoki Limited | CISAS |
Holker Network Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Home Counties Fibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Home Unity Ltd | CISAS |
Honest Enterprises | CISAS |
Hooper Technical Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Horizon Telecom & Data | Communications Ombudsman |
Horizon Telecoms Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Hosted Business Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Hosted Connections | Communications Ombudsman |
Hosting Systems | Communications Ombudsman |
Hostingus | Communications Ombudsman |
Host-IT Internet Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
hotsplots GmbH | CISAS |
HotSpot Drive | Communications Ombudsman |
HSL Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Hubtel Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Hull Fibre Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Husky Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Hyperoptic Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Hytera Communications (UK) Co. Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
JabbaTalk | Communications Ombudsman |
Jaguar Telecom Ltd | CISAS |
Jamtech Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Javelin Broadband Limited | CISAS |
JHL Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Jibba Jabba | Communications Ombudsman |
Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Juno Telecoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Kane Cloud Communications Ltd | CISAS |
K5 COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED | Communications Ombudsman |
Kaizen Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
KAT Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
KC | Communications Ombudsman |
KCom | Communications Ombudsman |
KCS | Communications Ombudsman |
Kencomp Internet Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Kesher Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Kijoma Solutions Limited (t/a Kijoma Broadband) | CISAS |
Kinetic Internet Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Kinex | Communications Ombudsman |
King Comms NI ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Kingston Technologies Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Koa Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Komputrade ltd | CISAS |
KSM Communications Limited | CISAS |
Kuiper, Kuiper Technology, Kuipertech | CISAS |
Kustom Konsulting Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
L A Comms Ltd | CISAS |
Labyrinth IT Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Lancashire County Council, Lancashire County Council Education Digital Services | CISAS |
Landlord Broadband & Wireless Technologies Ltd | CISAS |
Lanonyx Telecom Ltd | CISAS |
Lansalot Ltd | CISAS |
Lansdowne Telecom Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Lantec Services | Communications Ombudsman |
LARS Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Lascom Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Lascom Solutions VoIP Telephone Systems, Text Message Marketing For Any UK Business, Conference Calling For Any UK Business | CISAS |
LCC Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Lebara Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Legal TX | Communications Ombudsman |
Leversedge Telecom Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
LG Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Liberty i-zone Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Lightning Fibre Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
LightSpeed Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Lily Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Linctel Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Link-Connect Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Linkorg Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Link-Tel Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Lister Unified Communications, Fieldtalk | CISAS |
LIT FIBRE | Communications Ombudsman |
Lithium Systems Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
LM Global Telecoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Locall Net Ltd | CISAS |
Localphone Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
LOCHEIL LTD | Communications Ombudsman |
LogMeIn | Communications Ombudsman |
Loho | Communications Ombudsman |
London Central Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Loop Scorpio Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Loop Voice & Data | Communications Ombudsman |
LoopUp | Communications Ombudsman |
Lothian Broadband Networks Limited | CISAS |
Lugo Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Luminet | Communications Ombudsman |
Lyca Mobile | CISAS |
Company name | ADR scheme |
---|---| | Communications Ombudsman |
4G Internet, Satellite Internet | Communications Ombudsman |
N.I Technology | Communications Ombudsman |
National Business Communications Ltd | CISAS |
Natpoint Ltd | CISAS |
NCI Systems Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
NCS | Communications Ombudsman |
NCS Network Communications Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Nebula IT Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Nephelai LTD | Communications Ombudsman |
Net Defence | Communications Ombudsman |
Net Primates Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Net1 (NI) Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Netcloud9 | Communications Ombudsman |
NetConnex Broadband Ltd | CISAS |
Neticonic Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Netmatters | CISAS |
Netservers | Communications Ombudsman |
Net-Telco | Communications Ombudsman |
Netro Technology Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Net-Work | Communications Ombudsman |
Network 79 Ltd, Ashford Fibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Network Billing Services | Communications Ombudsman |
Network Communications Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Network Data Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Network Fusion and Fusion Voice and Data | CISAS |
Network Sales and Solutions Limited | CISAS |
Network Ltd t/a NSL Telecom Management | Communications Ombudsman |
Network Technology | Communications Ombudsman |
Network Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
New Land Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
New Star Networks Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Newman Business Solutions Ltd | CISAS |
Nexbridge Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Next Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Nexus GS Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Nexus IP | Communications Ombudsman |
NFON UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
NGC Network Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Nimbos Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Nimvelo | Communications Ombudsman |
Ninehundred Communications Group Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Nix Communications| | Communications Ombudsman |
Node4 | Communications Ombudsman |
Nomis Connections Ltd, Ridgewall | Communications Ombudsman |
None | Communications Ombudsman |
NorseNet | Communications Ombudsman |
Northsat Limited | CISAS |
Northway Communications Services (UK) Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Novatech Connect Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Now PAYG | Communications Ombudsman |
NSL Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
NSM Services | Communications Ombudsman |
Numbergroup | Communications Ombudsman |
Number People, My Business Number, Love Voip, Vivi Voip | CISAS |
Nuvias | Communications Ombudsman |
Nxcoms | Communications Ombudsman |
NYnet Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
The Networking People (North West) Ltd, T/A TNP Ltd | CISAS |
Company name | ADR scheme |
QContact | Communications Ombudsman |
QoS Comms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Quantum Air Fibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Qudo | Communications Ombudsman |
Quickline Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Quixoticy Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Rade Internet, Rade Systems | CISAS |
Rade New Media Limited | CISAS |
R & A Software (Systems) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
R Cooke T/A Comtek | Communications Ombudsman |
R J CORTEL LIMITED | Communications Ombudsman |
Radiocoms Systems Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
RadioTrade Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Radius Connect Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Rainbow Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Rainbow Telecom, Rainbow Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Rainton Bridge Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Rapid Rural Internet Services | Communications Ombudsman |
Rapier Systems Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Raw Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Razorblue Ltd | CISAS |
RDS Global | Communications Ombudsman |
Real Life Services Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Rebel Broadband UK Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Record Your Call | Communications Ombudsman |
Red Dragon I.T. Limited | CISAS |
Red Gorilla UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Redcare 5G Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Redcentric | Communications Ombudsman |
Redcentric Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Redline Telecom Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Redsquid Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Redwood Technologies Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Redwood Telecommunications | Communications Ombudsman |
ReformIT | Communications Ombudsman |
Regency Grove Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Regis IT Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Rejuvenate IT | Communications Ombudsman |
Relish | Communications Ombudsman |
Resilient plc | Communications Ombudsman |
Retail Technology Services Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Reward Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
RHM Telecommunications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Ridge IT | Communications Ombudsman |
RingCentral | CISAS |
RJ Cortel | Communications Ombudsman |
Roadphone Ltd t/a National Radio Bank | Communications Ombudsman |
Rocket Fibre Ltd | CISAS |
Roebuck Communications Ltd | CISAS |
Rose Communications (UK) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Roswell IT Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
RPS Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
RRD Communications Ltd T/A ICA | Communications Ombudsman |
RS Hill & Sons Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
RSR Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Rubix VT Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
RunFibre Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Rural Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Rural Internet | Communications Ombudsman |
Rural Technologies Wales, Beacons Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Ryanventura Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Rydal Communications LTD | Communications Ombudsman |
Ryedale Communications LLP | CISAS |
Ryland Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Safeguard IT Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SAQ | Communications Ombudsman |
Save9 Ltd | CISAS |
Saver Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
SBS IT Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Scotnet | Communications Ombudsman |
Scot-Tel-Gould Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Scottish Hydro | Communications Ombudsman |
SCT Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
SecureHAND | Communications Ombudsman |
Securus | Communications Ombudsman |
Securus Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SeeTheLight | Communications Ombudsman |
Select Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Sematron UK Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
SEMTEC Limited T/A SAQ | Communications Ombudsman |
Sepura PLC | Communications Ombudsman |
Service F1rst Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
Setel Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SFL Mobile Radio | Communications Ombudsman |
Shadowfax | Communications Ombudsman |
Shape Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Sharman Developments Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Shetland Broadband LLP | Communications Ombudsman |
Signal Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Signum Corporate Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Silver Lining Convergence Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Simoco | Communications Ombudsman |
Simoco Wireless Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Simpatico Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Simple Telecommunications Ltd | CISAS |
Simplicity Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Simplicity Group Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Simplify Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
SIP Communications Limited, t/as SIPCOM | Communications Ombudsman |
SiPalto Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Siphon | Communications Ombudsman |
Sipsynergy, Callroute | CISAS |
Sirus Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Sitech Solutions Limited | CISAS |
Six Degrees Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Sky | CISAS |
Skylight Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
Skyline Networks & Consultancy Limited | CISAS |
Skype for Business | Communications Ombudsman |
Slice | CISAS |
Smart Connect Telecom | CISAS |
Smart Numbers | Communications Ombudsman |
Smart Office Technology Ltd | CISAS |
Smartinfo Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SmartRural | Communications Ombudsman |
Smart-Tel | Communications Ombudsman |
Smarty | Communications Ombudsman |
Smye-Rumsby Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Social Comms UK Ltd | CISAS |
Softlink Computer Systems Ltd | CISAS |
Softlink Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SOHO66 | Communications Ombudsman |
Sohonet Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Solid State Computing Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Solution Consultants | Communications Ombudsman |
Solutions In Technology Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Sota Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
South East Business Systems Ltd | CISAS |
South West Communications Group Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Southern Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Southern Electric | Communications Ombudsman |
SoVision IT | Communications Ombudsman |
Sparta Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Spectrum Internet | Communications Ombudsman |
Spectrum Telecommunications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Speedster-IT Ltd | CISAS |
SPG Innovation & Technologies Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Spindlewood Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Spire Business Communications Limited | CISAS |
Spire Technology Group | CISAS |
Spitfire Network Service Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Spitfire Technology Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Spot2Spot Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SPUSU UK | Communications Ombudsman |
Square One Network | Communications Ombudsman |
Squarehost | Communications Ombudsman |
Squirrel Internet Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
SSE | Communications Ombudsman |
Standard Utilties | Communications Ombudsman |
Starlink Internet Services Limited | CISAS |
Start Communications Group Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Stix Internet Ltd | CISAS |
STL Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Storacall Technology Ltd | CISAS |
Story Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Straight Talking Telco Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Strategic Network Consulting Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Stratford upon Avon Telecom Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Stream Networks | Communications Ombudsman |
Stride Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Stripe 21 Limited | CISAS |
Structured Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
STS Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Subset Solutions UK Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Sumlock Bondain (EA) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Superfast Schools | Communications Ombudsman |
Support IT Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Support UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Sure Telecommunications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
SureVoIP | Communications Ombudsman |
Surftec Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Surrey Hills Internet | Communications Ombudsman |
SWALEC | Communications Ombudsman |
Swift Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Swift Internet (Online Marketing) | Communications Ombudsman |
Swiftnet ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Switch Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Switch In Ltd | CISAS |
Symmetris Broadband Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Synergy Office Solutions LLP t/a Synergyplus | Communications Ombudsman |
Syscomm Ltd | CISAS |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Tait Europe Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Talia Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Talk247 | CISAS |
Talk Home Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Talk Straight Group Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
TalkTalk | CISAS |
Talk Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Talk Time UK | Communications Ombudsman |
Talk Together | Communications Ombudsman |
Talk UK Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
TandyUK Servers | Communications Ombudsman |
Target Telecoms | Communications Ombudsman |
Tata Communications (UK) Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
TayStone | Communications Ombudsman |
TCL Comms | Communications Ombudsman |
Telecommunication Services | CISAS |
Team Partners Telecommunications Ltd T/a 0845 Team | Communications Ombudsman |
Team Telecommunications Group Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Tech Advance Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Tech Solve | Communications Ombudsman |
Techhouse Business Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Technological Services | Communications Ombudsman |
Technology Box Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Technology Services Group | Communications Ombudsman |
technology within ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Techsapiens Ltd | CISAS |
Tela Technology Ltd | Communications Ombudsman, CISAS |
Telappliant Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
TelBridge | Communications Ombudsman |
Telcom Networks Ltd, WeFibre Ltd, Clear Fibre Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
TelcoNET Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Telecom 2000 Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Telecom 9000 Ltd | CISAS |
Telecom2 Ltd | CISAS |
Telecoms Consortium Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Telecoms World Plc | Communications Ombudsman |
TeleDiscount | Communications Ombudsman |
Telefonica O2 UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Telephone Europe Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Telephone Systems Direct | Communications Ombudsman |
Telet Research NI Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Telmark Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Telnet International Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Telserve Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Telxl Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Terahost Ltd | CISAS |
Terrafix Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Tesco Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Tetralogic Ltd | CISAS |
The Cellphone Store Ltd T/A Comms Connect | CISAS |
The Comms Guys Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
The Communication Gateway Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
The Complete Communication Company Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
The Excell Group Plc | Communications Ombudsman |
The NEC Group, The NEC, Resorts World Arena, Arena Birmingham, The ICC, The Vox, Amplify, NEC Group Venue Partnerships | CISAS |
The Networking People (North West) Ltd, t/a TNP Ltd. | CISAS |
The Phone Co-op Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
The Telecoms Audit Bureau Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
The Weston Group | Communications Ombudsman |
Think Connect | Communications Ombudsman |
Thinking Fish | Communications Ombudsman |
Three | Communications Ombudsman |
TIC (The Independent Choice) Ltd | CISAS |
Timeless IT | Communications Ombudsman |
Timico Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Tin Can Comms | Communications Ombudsman |
Tinder Corporation Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Tiree Broadband | CISAS |
TMR Agility Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
TMC Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
T-Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
To The Moon Mobile Ltd | CISAS |
Toob Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Total Web Solutions | Communications Ombudsman |
Touch Telecommunications Limited | CISAS |
Touch Telecom | CISAS |
Tove Valley Broadband, ABbA Tove Valley Broadband | Communications Ombudsman |
TP Glocal Operations Limited | CISAS |
Transglobal Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Transparent Telecom Limited | CISAS |
TransWorldCom | Communications Ombudsman |
Triangle Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Tribe Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Trinsic Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Trio Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Triton Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Trooli Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
TrueSpeed Communications Ltd | CISAS |
Truphone, 1GLOBAL | CISAS |
TruStack | Communications Ombudsman |
TSI Voice & Data | Communications Ombudsman |
TSL | Communications Ombudsman |
TTG (UK) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
TTNC | Communications Ombudsman |
Two Peas in a Pod | CISAS |
TXI Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
TxRx Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Ubi-Tech (3R) Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Ubiquitous Communication Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
UK Connect | Communications Ombudsman |
UK IT Networks Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
UK Wholesale Direct | CISAS |
UltraNetworks | Communications Ombudsman |
Unchained ISP Limited | CISAS |
Unicom | Communications Ombudsman |
Unified Business Communicatons | Communications Ombudsman |
Unified Tech Ltd t/as Equiinet & Switchconnect | Communications Ombudsman |
Unified World Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Union Calls | Communications Ombudsman |
Union Street Technologies Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Uniplus Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Unite Communications Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Unitel Direct | Communications Ombudsman |
Unitel Network Services Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Unity World Ltd | CISAS |
Univoice | Communications Ombudsman |
UniverCell | CISAS |
Uno Communications Ltd | CISAS |
Updata Infrastructure UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Uplands, Uplands Mobiles | Communications Ombudsman |
Upp Corporation Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Urbancoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
U-Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Utelize Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Utilise Software Ltd T/A Think Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Utilita Mobile | Communications Ombudsman |
Utilities Technology UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Utility Options Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
Utility Warehouse | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
X2 Communications Ltd | CISAS |
X. Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
X-on, Surgery Connect, PhonePresence, Storacall Technology | CISAS |
Xinix World | Communications Ombudsman |
Xifos, Perceptive 0n line, Amatis Networks | CISAS |
Xoomtalk | Communications Ombudsman |
Xtra Dog, Xtra Dog Academy, Xtra Dog Design, Xtra Dog Training, Spiffy Dog | CISAS |
Xtra Phones UK LTD | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Yaesu UK Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Yayzi | CISAS |
YB Communications | Communications Ombudsman |
Yellowcom Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Yellowstone Electronic Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Yo Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Yoozoom Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
York Data Services Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Yorkshire Telecoms Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Youfibre | Communications Ombudsman |
Your-Internet | Communications Ombudsman |
Yumna Solutions Ltd | Communications Ombudsman | | Communications Ombudsman |
Company name | ADR scheme |
Z1 Telecom Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Zappie Communications Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Zen Internet Limited | CISAS |
Zen Systems | CISAS |
ZENZERO SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Communications Ombudsman |
Zero Seven Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
zerop | Communications Ombudsman |
Zest4 | Communications Ombudsman |
Zetnet | Communications Ombudsman |
Zone Telecommunications Ltd | CISAS |
Zoom Telecom | Communications Ombudsman |
ZYBRE Limited | Communications Ombudsman |
Zycomm Electronics Ltd | Communications Ombudsman |
Zzoomm | Communications Ombudsman |