News consumption in the UK

Published: 20 July 2023
Last updated: 11 January 2024

This series of reports looks at UK adults' consumption across television, radio, print, social media and other websites or apps.

We look at the UK news market as a whole, but also publish individual reports for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


DocumentDate published
News consumption in the UK: 2023 (PDF, 3.1 MB)20 July 2023
Cael gafael ar Newyddion yn y Deyrnas Unedig: 2023 (PDF, 1.5 MB)20 July 2023
Supporting data (PDF, 998.1 KB)20 July 2023
News Consumption Survey 2023: Northern Ireland (PDF, 560.6 KB)20 July 2023
News Consumption Survey 2023: Scotland (PDF, 766.2 KB) 20 July 2023
News Consumption Survey 2023: Wales (PDF, 753.6 KB) 20 July 2023
Cael gafael ar newyddion yn y DU 2023: Cymru (PDF, 562.4 KB)20 July 2023

Teen News Consumption Survey

Our research into news consumption across television, radio, print and online among children / teenagers aged 12-15.

DocumentDate published
Technical report (PDF, 225.8 KB)26 May 2023
Questionnaire (PDF, 313.2 KB)26 May 2023
Data tables (XLSX, 3.0 MB)26 May 2023
Respondent-level data (CSV, 3.0 MB)26 May 2023

News Consumption Survey

Our research into news consumption across television, radio, print and online.

DocumentDate published
Combined face-to-face and online technical report (PDF, 285.3 KB)26 May 2023
Face-to-face questionnaire (PDF, 986.5 KB)26 May 2023
Online questionnaire (PDF, 970.7 KB)26 May 2023
Data tables (XLSX, 8.8 MB)26 May 2023
Respondent-level data (CSV, 46.2 MB)26 May 2023

Older reports

This report provides the findings of Ofcom’s 2018 research into news consumption across television, radio, print and online. It is published as part of our range of market research reports which examine the consumption of content, and attitudes towards that content, across different platforms.

The aim of this slide pack report is to inform an understanding of news consumption across the UK and within each UK nation. This includes sources and platforms used,  the perceived importance of different outlets for news, attitudes to individual news sources, local news use and news consumption in the nations.

The primary source is Ofcom’s News Consumption Survey. The report also contains information from our Media Tracker survey, and a range of industry currencies including BARB for television viewing, Touchpoints for national newspaper readership, ABC for newspaper circulation, and comScore for online consumption.

Please note, because of changes we have made to the 2018 News Consumption Survey methodology, it is not possible to make direct comparisons to previous data. Further detail on how and why we changed the methodology can be found on slide 143 of the report.

News consumption in the UK: 2018 report (PDF, 2.6 MB)

News consumption in the UK: 2018 data tables (XLSX, 18.2 MB)

News consumption in the UK: 2018 questionnaire (PDF, 2.1 MB)

News consumption in the UK: 2018 raw data

News consumption in the UK: 2018 technical report (PDF, 183.3 KB)

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