Listening to experts: mental health and media literacy

Published: 15 May 2023
Last updated: 14 March 2024

Ofcom has commissioned a report to identify the innovative practices, projects and initiatives being delivered by a range of organisations across the UK, bringing together online media literacy and mental health support.

This report aims to evolve the conversation about the way online life affects our mental health, and we invite those in relevant sectors to help us identify what more can be done. It reflects what we heard from service managers, practitioners and service users – communicated in their words to reflect their lived experiences and contributions.

We hope the resulting four principles and their connected ideas for action will be useful for anyone working on these topics.

Research report: Listening to experts – Mental health and media literacy (PDF, 6.6 MB)

Disclaimer: Projects featured are illustrative examples of practice, not reflecting any affiliation to or endorsement by Ofcom.

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