Statistical release calendar 2020

Published: 12 June 2023

Statistical release calendar 2020

If you wish to discuss or ask about any of these publications, please contact This email account will be checked once per day.

Update 3 April – data collection and the coronavirus

Due to the ongoing situation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and current guidelines that are in place, Ofcom has made the decision to suspend all face-to-face fieldwork to protect the safety of everyone involved. Where possible we have made alternative arrangements to continue data collection. However, Ofcom has a duty to ensure our research is representative of the UK population, so some publications will need to be delayed. Ofcom has also adapted its data gathering and release practices to accommodate business critical work and logistical issues surrounding data collection. Therefore, in line with guidance from the Office for Statistics Regulation, the decision has been made to postpone certain publications. We will keep users updated on the release dates for specific publications via this page.

In accordance with the conditions for pre-release access to Official Statistics set out in the DCMS statement of compliance, Ofcom's Official Statistics are eligible for privileged early access to named individuals. We publish the lists of those individuals against the relevant statistics.

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Official statistics Date published Content Data
PSB Tracker data tables 2020 16 January 2020

Public sector broadcasting tracking survey: attitudes, satisfaction with provision and importance of characteristics associated with PSB provision in the UK.

Note: Ofcom is suspending the Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) Tracker Survey for 2020. We published a notification on the proposed changes and invited comments.

In its place, we intend to commission a range of quantitative and qualitative ad-hoc research that explores peoples’ relationship with PSB, as part of our PSB review, Small Screen: Big Debate. We will re-design and recommission a new tracking survey in 2021.

Update May 2021: The PSB Tracker is currently being redeveloped, in order to remain relevant in today's more complex media market. As a result, this official statistic is no longer continuing. The data from the redesigned survey will replace it, in terms of meeting the same core aims.

PSB Tracker 2019 data tables (PDF, 9.5 MB)

PSB Tracker 2019 raw data (CSV, 2.1 MB)

PSB Tracker 2019 questionnaire (PDF, 415.7 KB)

PSB Tracker 2019 – Technical Report  (PDF, 177.2 KB)

Telecoms and pay-TV complaints publication Q3 2019

24 January 2020

Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers.

Telecoms and pay-TV complaints Q3 2019 (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Telecoms and pay-TV complaints Q3 2019 (CSV, 26.6 KB)

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q3 2019

30 January 2020

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share.

Note: From Q4 2019 we are going to stop collecting data on new connections from mobile operators and remove this metric from the quarterly Telecoms Data Updates. This is because Ofcom does not use these data. Instead net additions information, which is published in operators’ financial results and can be calculated from Ofcom’s published subscriptions data, is more frequently used to measure market growth.

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q3 2019 (PDF, 521.2 KB)

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q3 2019 (CSV, 110.6 KB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Nuisance calls tracker (Consumer issues survey)

14 February 2020

This set of data tables provides information on consumer’s experience of nuisance calls

Nuisance calls tracker (PDF, 839.4 KB)

Nuisance calls tracker (CSV, 187.5 KB)

Note: Following a consultation, we have decided to stop the Nuisance Calls Diary Study that has previously run every other year, as we believe it no longer provides significant additional value to our understanding of experience of nuisance calls. The regular Nuisance Calls Tracker will still be continuing, dependent on our return to face-to-face fieldwork.

Residential Postal Tracker 2019 17 February 2020 Dataset of the residential postal tracking survey conducted in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 2019, providing data on residential consumers' use of post and attitudes to postal services

Residential postal tracker Q1-Q4 2019 table (PDF, 14.5 MB)

Residential postal tracker Q1-Q4 2019 - data (CSV, 18.4 MB)

Residential postal tracker 2019 - technical report (PDF, 204.7 KB)

Business Postal Tracker 2019 17 February 2020 Dataset of the postal tracking survey of UK SMEs conducted in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 2019. The survey provides data on post usage in terms of volumes sent, received, amount spent, postal products and services used an attitudes to postal services.

Business postal tracker Q1-Q4 2019 tables
(PDF, 14.3 MB)

Business postal tracker Q1-Q4 2019 - data (CSV, 5.1 MB)

Business postal tracker 2019 – Table of Contents for Annual tables (PDF, 283.2 KB)

Business postal tracker 2019 - Technical report (DOCX, 203.0 KB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Comparing Service Quality research 2019: reasons to complain 25 March 2020 This set of data tables contains the results from face-to-face omnibus survey which asked customers whether they have had reason to complain to their communications provider/s in the last 12 months. 

Reasons to complain tracker 2019: data tables (PDF, 658.9 KB)

Reasons to complain tracker 2019: SPSS file (SAV, 1.5 MB)

Customer Satisfaction Tracker 25 March 2020 This data is from a survey monitoring customer satisfaction in the communications market.

Customer satisfaction tracker 2020: data tables - PDF (PDF, 888.4 KB)

Customer satisfaction tracker 2020: data tables - CSV (CSV, 181.2 KB)

Customer satisfaction tracker 2020: technical report (PDF, 192.5 KB)

Comparing Service Quality research 2019: complaints handling 31 March 2020

This set of data tables contains the results from an online survey which was used to interview customers who had made contact with their provider with a complaint six months prior to the interview. It explores reason for and satisfaction with the providers handling of the complaint. Please note: total market data is weighted and provider level data is unweighted.

Complaints handling tracker 2019: total market data tables (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Complaints handling tracker 2019: total level data tables (CSV, 255.8 KB)

Complaints handling tracker 2019: supplier level data tables (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Complaints handling tracker 2019: supplier level data tables (CSV, 1.2 MB)

Complaints handling tracker 2019: respondent level data (CSV, 6.8 MB)

Complaints handling tracker 2019: respondent level data map (CSV, 127.2 KB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Internet users' experience of harm online 30 April 2020

The set of data tables containing the results from the surveys used to interview adults and children who use the internet about their concerns about and reported experiences of online harms.

Note: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on our ability to conduct face to face survey research, we do not propose to repeat this survey.

The Market Research Society’s most recent advice in relation to the new England lockdown restrictions states that “research practitioners must only undertake essential face-to-face data collection which cannot be achieved using other methods such as telephone, online or mail”. For this reason, we do not consider it appropriate to repeat this survey utilising the same methodology in January 2021. The use of alternative methods will not provide us with equivalent statistics that would provide us with reliable time-trend data.

We intend to explore new online approaches to measuring concerns and potential harms relating to online activities in 2021. If you would like further details please email

Online Harms 2020 – Adult data tables
(PDF, 17.6 MB)

Online Harms 2020 – Adult data tables
(XLSX, 13.8 MB)

Online Harms 2020 – Children aged 12-15 data tables (PDF, 12.3 MB)

Online Harms 2020 – Children aged 12-15 data tables (XLSX, 8.9 MB)

Technology Tracker 2020 30 April 2020 Ofcom Technology Tracker data tables

Technology Tracker 2020 questionnaire (PDF, 764.3 KB)

Technology Tracker 2020 respondent-level data (CSV, 12.5 MB)

Technology Tracker 2020 subset data tables (XLSX, 588.7 KB)

Technology Tracker 2020 subset data tables (PDF, 8.5 MB)

Technology Tracker 2020 technical report (PDF, 219.1 KB)

Technology Tracker 2020 UK data tables (XLSX, 1.5 MB)

Technology Tracker 2020 UK data tables (PDF, 2.8 MB)

Technology Tracker 2020 SPSS dataset (SAV, 6.1 MB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Fixed-line broadband performance reports 7 May 2020

Fixed broadband speeds. Data collected on actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment installed in their homes.

UK home broadband performance, measurement period November 2019 – Panellist data
(CSV, 1.5 MB)

Telecoms and pay-TV complaints publication Q4 2019

19 May 2020

Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers.

Note: a revised version of this data, including a correction to Vodafone's fixed line monthly figures and the delayed mobile data, was published on 19 June.

Telecoms and pay-TV complaints Q4 2019 (CSV, 25.7 KB)

Television and On-Demand Access Services: Data reporting provision of access services for the full calendar year 2019 28 May 2020

Compliance with subtitling, audio description and signing quotas.

Television and On-Demand Access Services: Data reporting provision of access services for the full calendar year 2019

Nuisance calls tracker (Consumer issues survey) May 2020

This set of data tables provides information on consumer’s experience of nuisance calls.

Note: The May 2020 wave of the Nuisance calls tracker could not go ahead because of the suspension of fieldwork due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The September wave is the next planned wave of this research, and we will update this page when the publication date has been agreed.


Official statistics Date published Content Data
News consumption in the UK – Adults survey 11 June 2020

Research into news consumption across television, radio, print and online among adults (16+).

Adults news consumption survey data tables (XLSX, 10.5 MB)

Adults news consumption survey questionnaire (PDF, 530.7 KB)

Adults news consumption survey respondent level CSV file (CSV, 39.2 MB)

Adults news consumption survey technical report (PDF, 189.5 KB)

Adults news consumption survey – reweighted data tables (online sample only) (XLSX, 9.5 MB)

News consumption in the UK – Children's survey 11 June 2020 Research into news consumption across television, radio, print and online among children aged 12-15.

Children's news consumption survey data tables (XLSX, 3.2 MB)

Children's news consumption survey questionnaire (PDF, 384.0 KB)

Children's news consumption survey respondent level CSV file (CSV, 2.8 MB)

Children's news consumption survey technical report (PDF, 158.2 KB)

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q4 2019 18 June 2020

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share.

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q4 2019 (PDF, 578.9 KB)

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q4 2019 (CSV, 110.5 KB)

BBC Performance Tracker 2019/20 24 June 2020

The BBC performance tracker provides Ofcom with an evidence base to assess audience opinions on the BBC’s performance against its delivery of four public purposes. The data tables contain the results from fieldwork period April 2019 to March 2020.

BBC Performance Tracker 2019-20 Technical Report (PDF, 1.7 MB)

BBC Performance Tracker 2019-20 data tables (PDF, 10.0 MB)

BBC Performance Tracker 2019-20 data tables (XLSX, 4.2 MB)

BBC Performance Tracker 2019-20 subset data tables (PDF, 5.4 MB)

BBC Performance Tracker 2019-20 subset data tables (XLSX, 2.8 MB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
List of channels required to provide access services in 2021 8 July 2020 List of television channels licensed by Ofcom required to provide access services in the UK and other EU Member States.

Television channels required to provide television access services in 2021
(PDF, 382.5 KB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Proportion of public service broadcaster network hours made outside of London (within the Media Nations Report 5 August 2020 Data showing the proportion of qualifying network hours broadcast in 2019 that qualified as regional productions

Note: this was previously part of the Public Service Broadcasting Network Compliance Report

Proportion of public service broadcaster network hours made outside of London (CSV, 2.1 KB)

Commercial broadcast television revenues and spend (within the Media Nations Report) 5 August 2020

Data showing revenues for the commercial TV sector in the UK.

Commercial broadcast television revenues and spend (CSV, 194.7 KB)

Number of hours broadcast by the multi-channel sector (within the Media Nations Report) 5 August 2020

Data showing Number of hours broadcast by the multi channel sector.

Number of hours broadcast by the multi-channel sector (CSV, 194.7 KB)

Number of commercial radio services broadcasting (within the Media Nations Report) 5 August 2020 Data showing number of commercial radio services.

Number of commercial radio services broadcasting (XLSX, 24.7 KB)

Number of hours broadcast by public television broadcasters (within the Media Nations Report) 5 August 2020 Data showing number of hours broadcast by PSB channels.

Number of hours broadcast by public television broadcasters
(CSV, 61.1 KB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Residential Postal Tracker Q3 2019 - Q2 2020 2 September 2020 Dataset of the residential postal tracking survey conducted, providing data on residential consumers' use of post and attitudes to postal services. Residential Postal Tracker Technical Appendix Q3 2019 to Q2 2020 (PDF, 360.3 KB)
Residential Postal Tracker Weighted With Urbanity Q3 2019 to Q2 2020 (XLSX, 4.7 MB)
Business Postal Tracker Q3 2019 to Q2 2020 2 September 2020 Dataset of the postal tracking survey of UK SMEs conducted. The survey provides data on post usage in terms of volumes sent, received, amount spent, postal products and services used an attitudes to postal services.

Business Postal Tracker Technical Report Q3 2019 to Q2 2020 (PDF, 320.3 KB)

SME Postal Tracker Q3 2019 to Q2 2020 tables (XLSX, 5.0 MB)

Telecoms and pay TV complaints Q1 2020 4 September 2020 Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers. Telecoms and pay TV complaints Q1 2020
(CSV, 30.4 KB)
Telecoms data (within the Communications Market Report) 30 September 2020 Data showing annual revenues, volumes and subscribers for the telecoms sector in the UK. Summary of UK telecoms metrics (CSV, 17.3 KB)
Public Service Broadcasting Network Compliance Report 30 September 2020 Compliance with a range of quotas including originations, independent productions, news, current affairs. Public Service Broadcasting Network Compliance Report 2020
Made out of London Register: description of TV programmes produced outside London 30 September 2020 A list of the programmes produced by the PSBs outside of the M25, and criteria against which each programme qualifies as Made Outside London. Made out of London register (PDF, 941.9 KB)
Nuisance calls tracker (Consumer issues survey) September 2020 This set of data tables provides information on consumer’s experience of nuisance calls.

Due to the suspension of face to face fieldwork as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Nuisance Calls tracker research has not been in field since January 2020. Given the continued uncertainty regarding face to face interviewing and changes in nuisance calls and scam activity in the market, we have reviewed the aims and content of the current questionnaire. As a result we have concluded that the questionnaire needs to be revised and therefore intend to stop the current tracking survey. We will continue to explore how best to capture the experience of nuisance calls and scams.

Disabled consumers' access and use of communications services and devices 2020 September 2020 Data which tracks and provides insights into the levels of access and use of communications services and devices among disabled consumers. Following a consultation, the Disability Tracker data collection has been ceased. The new Impacting/Limiting Conditions Tracker is not a comparable dataset due to differences in methodology but reaches consumers with an impairment and covers many of the same areas of interest as the Disability Tracker.


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q1 2020 22 October 2020 Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share.

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q1 2020 (PDF, 487.3 KB)

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q1 2020 (CSV, 112.6 KB)

Fixed broadband speeds (May 2020 data) 29 October 2020 Data collected on actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment installed in their homes. Fixed broadband speeds (May 2020 data) (CSV, 2.0 MB)
Television and on-demand access services: Report for the first six months of 2020 30 October 2020 Compliance with subtitling, audio description and signing quotas. Television and on-demand access services: Report for the first six months of 2020
Commercial radio revenues 30 October 2020 Data showing revenues for the commercial radio sector in the UK. Commercial radio revenues (CSV, 17.3 KB)
Community radio revenues and expenses 30 October 2020 Data showing revenues for the community radio sector in the UK. Community radio revenues and expenses (CSV, 127.5 KB)


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Telecoms and pay TV complaints publication Q2 2020 13 November 2020 Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers. Telecoms and pay TV complaints publication Q2 2020 (CSV, 27.0 KB)
Post volumes and revenues (within the Communications Market Report) 23 November 2020 Data relating to letters and parcels volumes and revenues. Postal volumes and revenues calendar year 2019 (CSV, 4.9 KB)
Annual Monitoring Report - Post volumes and revenues 23 November 2020 Data relating to letters and parcels volumes and revenues. Postal volumes and revenues financial year 2019-20 (CSV, 6.8 KB)
Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q2 2020 25 November 2020 Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share. Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q2 2020 (PDF, 480.9 KB)

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q2 2020 (CSV, 114.1 KB)
Pricing trends for communication services in the UK November 2020 Report outlining trends in the pricing of residential communications services and the implications of these for consumers and Ofcom's policy considerations.

Note: this publication is delayed until Q2 2021 as the data collection was delayed due to the situation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Note: Due to a change in the data provider, there will be methodological changes that will affect mobile pay-monthly tariffs, pay-TV premium add-ons and bundle pricing trend data. We are working to ensure the metrics are comparable, but will note where this may not be possible.


Official statistics Date published Content Data
Switching Tracker 7 December 2020 This is data from a survey monitoring consumer supplier switching and engagement in the communications market. Switching Tracker 2020 Questionnaire (PDF, 914.9 KB)
Switching Tracker 2020 Technical Report (PDF, 181.1 KB)
Switching Tracker 2020 Codebook (CSV, 210.3 KB)
Switching Tracker 2020 Respondent Level Data (CSV, 16.2 MB)
Switching Tracker 2020 Data Tables (PDF, 18.3 MB)
International Broadband Scorecard 17 December 2020 Comparative international data on the coverage, take-up and use, price, speed and choice of broadband services.

International Broadband Scorecard 2020: interactive data

Adults Media Literacy Tracker 2020 December 2020 Media literacy – adults' survey: access, use and understanding of internet, television, mobile and other platforms among the 16+ adult population of the UK. Note: this publication will be delayed until February 2021 due to delays in fieldwork due to Covid-19.
Children's and Parent's Media Literacy Tables December 2020 Media literacy children and parents’ surveys: access, use and understanding of internet, television, mobile and other platforms among children aged 3-15 and their parents. Note: this publication will be delayed until February 2021 due to delays in fieldwork due to Covid-19.
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