What is 'Your pages'?

11 June 2018

'Your pages' is a handy way to save your most important pages in Ofcom's website in one place - making it easy to quickly jump to a favourite page from anywhere on the website.

Most pages on this website have a purple button on them saying 'Add to Your Pages'. If you click on this button, you'll find a link to the page is added to the 'Your pages' box at the top of every page on the website. You can add up to 10 pages to 'Your pages'.

To remove a page, simply click on the 'x' next to it in the 'Your pages' list, or go to that page and click on the purple button again.

'Your pages' uses cookies to remember what you've saved. To use 'Your pages' you'll have to enable cookies in your browser and accept our cookies message. You should always use the same browser for your visit to see the same saved pages each time. If you clear your browser cookies, you'll lose anything in 'Your pages'. (Not sure what cookies are? This explanation from the ICO is helpful.)

We introduced this feature to the website as a result of feedback from visitors to the website. We're constantly testing the site and asking visitors for feedback. If you'd like to be involved in helping keep the website user friendly, drop a line to the Digital Team.